Wednesday, January 6, 2010

The Bearded Stranger

I was driving somewhere with Bar Mitzvahzilla the other day when I looked over at him and I saw not one, not two, but three long, white, meandering hairs growing out of his chin, gleaming in the sunlight.  I said, "What is that?" Then he covered up his chin, refusing to show me. How did those grow there, and grow that long, without me noticing?

We've had our awkward adolescent days. We had last summer when he refused to swim without a shirt on, and I had to wonder what was growing under the shirt. Was it a siamese twin growing out of the side of his body? There are the fangs growing in on both sides of his mouth. There's the routine humiliations of adolescence - the pimples, the braces - things the whole world can see. But a sparse, scraggly, hillbilly-looking blonde beard?

Clearly the fact that this thing exists can be blamed on Husband. Just like I'm always on the look out for Daughter's signs of adolescence ("Do you want a training bra yet? How about now? Now?") it's up to Husband to be on red alert with his responsibilites. He should've noticed scraggly hair number one before it began multiplying. And just because Bar Mitzvahzilla has somehow managed to pop out blonde facial hair in a family of swarthy Jews, that's no excuse for Husband not to notice it.

I grew up watching my dad shave with a double-edged razor and shaving soap in a cup. Because he had a cleft in his chin, each day he'd come away wounded with tiny pieces of toilet paper stuck to all the cuts on his face. Not only would he get wounded, but the minute he was done, right after he'd slapped on his Old Spice, his 5:00 shadow was growing back in, he was that hairy.

I can handle all the nitty gritty discussions with Bar Mitzvahzilla and Daughter about sex, all the generalities about how this works or that, but when it comes down to teaching the boy to shave, Husband's just going to have to take out the stropping blade and teach him. Before scraggly hair number four grows in.


  1. It is strange to think that my little guy will be getting those hairs all too soon.

    Please don't grow up too fast!

    My husband? He has a 5:00 shadow too. And, the funny thing is, he didn't even know what that meant until I explained the term. Hah!

  2. I'm going to see if this works. Haven't been able to get it to work before, but it's a new year and better here than on FB. Let me know if you get this.

  3. Big Boy is about to start potty training. He asked me about standing up to "pee in the potty." My response? "That's Daddy's department." I guess I'm just in training for all of those gender-segregated lessons down the road!

  4. It is sort of one who has a full grown shaving son I can say that it was uncharted territory at the beginning...Now I look at him and still think "What happened..two minutes ago I was trying to talk him into big boy pants"...

  5. Ambrosia, this is not one of the things that came quickly, like when they're suddenly in school. This took 14 years! You've got time!

  6. Kristen, I'm with you. Husband's have to be in charge of male parts, so to speak... But I have a funny feeling you're going to be more involved in potty training than you want. Incentive: only one kid in diapers.

  7. dll - with the way husb handled the 1st shave tonight (ice pack ended up on moustache area) I can see it's just one more thing I'll have to do. I wonder if son will mind a depillatory?

  8. Sara, I got your comment and thanks for leaving one! I also got the other one on Hairy but Hairless!
